California's apology does not include financial reparations or other compensation, but supporters say money was never the point. 加州的道歉虽然不包括经济和资金的赔偿,但是支持者说钱并不是关键。
Compensation has cost the company a lot of money. 公司花了一大笔钱支付赔偿金。
Compensation practices have been reformed to make it harder for traders to take the money and run. 薪酬制度的改革让交易员更难拿钱跑路。
While the city set the compensation at levels higher than elsewhere, many former farmers ran through the money and wound up unemployed. 虽然铜陵市制定的补偿比其他地方更高,但许多农民在用光了补偿款之后就陷入失业的困境。
Not all of the compensation money was delivered. 但并不是所有的赔偿金都得到支付。
The Construction and Improvement of Compensation Mechanism of Information Disclosure in China's Financial Institution's Anti Money Laundering 我国金融机构反洗钱信息披露激励机制的建立与完善
No intelligent person will either request or expect another to work without adequate compensation, although this may not always be in the form of money. 也没有一个聪明人会要求别人、期望别人不必回报,虽然报偿未必要以金钱的方式呈现。
Compensation paid ( to someone) for damages or losses or money already spent etc.. 给某人在损伤、丢失或花销上的补偿。
She told researchers she thought the project should "make good use of compensation money" and that "women should have equal rights to men in the resettlement process." 她迫不及待地告诉调研人员,她认为关键在于“如何用好补偿款”。她还说:“妇女在拆迁安置过程中应该和男人有平等的权利。”
The official contestant cannot obtain the cost compensation, prize money for winning and the additional compensation for the proposal approved to be adopted. 获准采用的实施方案,不获得成本补偿金、优胜奖励金和额外补偿金。
Employers who know that their workers face high tax rates, endeavour to find ways of providing compensation in the form of tax-free perquisites rather than money income. 考虑到员工要面对高税率,雇主会设法提供各种免税津贴作为补偿,而不是发放现金。
In case of destruction of the property which should be returned, corresponding compensation money shall be paid; 应当返还的财产灭失的,给付相应的赔偿金;
Joan: If it was me, I would have taken the worker's compensation money and retired early. 琼:如果是我,我就会去拿工伤补偿,然后早点退休。
Some Opinions on Term of Years of Disability Compensation Money 残疾赔偿金的赔偿年限之我见
The compensation money is eight yuan one person. 人均补偿金额约为8.0元。
At the same time, the health and compensation money were collected, the children systemic health compensation certificate were extended. 在办理《出生医学证明》的同时,根据保健的时间长短,收取一定数量的保健保偿金,发放儿童系统保健保偿证。
After carrying out block land price, other non-money compensation should be deducted from total money compensation. 实施区片综合价,意味着必须对其他非货币补偿进行价格折算后从区片综合价里扣除。现实中,很多地方在征收农地时,除货币补偿外,还广泛地实行了留地安置。
In practice, there are some problems, such as the party pursuing high compensation blindly, randomly expanding appeal extension, unilaterally pursuing money compensation but ignoring other duty manner, and the lopsided problem in judicatory. 在实践中还存在一些问题,如当事人盲目追求高额赔偿,任意扩大请求范围,追求金钱赔偿而忽视其他责任方式等,还有司法上不平衡的问题。
Concerning the compensation money, some questions are existing in the valuation methods, such as the mechanism of market working are not perfect and the compensation for land usufruct is not specific. 在围绕拆迁补偿款项的问题上,被拆迁房屋的评估制度中存在着市场化运行机制不完善、土地使用权补偿不明确等问题。
Interest is defined as compensation for money use, but the definition can not reflect its nature. 经济学中,利息被定义为在一定时间内使用他人或组织的资金而支付的报酬。
Ecological system service is not supplied without compensation, but it ′ s accounted by money with high value. 生态系统服务不是无偿提供的,而是用货币量算,价值不菲。
For example, the loss of access to certain economic investigation of the masses, can provide material compensation for the loss, do not lose money with the fight against crime. 比如,对因调查访问损失一定经济的群众,可以提供物质补偿损失,做到同犯罪做斗争不亏本。
Part III: The confirmation of applicable condition and compensation money total, as well as the design of related systems. 第三部分:适用条件、赔偿金额的确定以及相关制度的设计。
No longer considered a minor infringement, the compensation money shall be in accordance with specific circumstances, in particular, should be in accordance with the degree of abuse and negligence cases decided. 轻微的侵害不再考虑,赔偿的金钱应当依具体情况,特别是应当依照侵害情况和过失程度来决定。
The reasons of which are caused by the following factors: constraint of budget and finance, standard of low compensation in money and government-oriental compensation system. 之所以会形成多种形式的补偿,乃是受到以下几个因素的影响:财政与预算约束的因素、过低的货币补偿标准和行政主导的补偿制度。
Therefore the punitive damage money is the decisive factor; I think set the minimum and maximum limits in punitive damages, at the same time make the reasonable use and distribution of compensation money. 因此惩罚性赔偿金额是决定性的因素,建议适当设置惩罚性赔偿的最低限额与最高限额,同时做好对赔偿金的合理分配利用。
Second, compensation is the research how to make money. 其次是补偿,就是研究以怎样的方式花钱。
To achieve a good aim also need outside systems to support. Like: 1. The Villagers accreditation issues; 2. By Influence of too little for land expropriation compensation money and the persistence of rural custom lead a court decision that can not be implemented. 制度外的原因在于1.属于村民自治范畴的村民资格认定问题;2.土地征收补偿款太少与顽固的乡间民俗影响下,导致法院判决无法执行。